Red Ain't Dead: 150 More Ways to Tell If You're a Redneck
Red Ain't Dead: 150 More Ways to Tell If You're a Redneck
Unleash the uproarious world of Jeff Foxworthy’s "Red Ain't Dead," where every page crackles with the kind of down-home humor that's as spicy as barbecue sauce and as comforting as your favorite flannel shirt.
With the classic Foxworthy charm, "Red Ain't Dead" invites you to kick back and revel in signs so convicting they’ll have you hooting and hollering like it’s a Fourth of July fireworks show.
Celebrating the quirks and foibles of life with a good-natured nod to the redneck way. Whether you're from the city or the sticks, you’ll find a piece of wisdom—or at least a good belly laugh—on every page. So, crack open "Red Ain't Dead" and get ready to live the redneck dream one joke at a time.
Author: Jeff Foxworthy
Publisher: Longstreet Press
Publication Date: October 9, 1991
ISBN-10: 1563520052
ISBN-13: 9781563520051
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Print Length: 80 pages
Dimensions: 7.24 x 0.24 x 5.94 inches